Should Your Build A Backyard Chicken Coop ?

Be Self-Sufficient! Establish Your own Home Grown Egg Producing Backyard Chickens!

Are you tired of paying the higher cost of eggs these days? Why not try having back yard chicken coop?

If you live in a housing area, you should check with local laws if you are allowed to have chickens. You don’t need a noisy Rooster for eggs, just laying hens.

Do your research about raising chickens. You only need a few hens to help your family eat home grown eggs. Chickens are like any family pet, they do need daily care.

They will need shelter, food, water and a place to roam around for exercise. And in return you will have great organic eggs fresh daily. They also provide great entertainment for all.

So what do you need to know to get ready for a chicken area in your back yard?

A good learning source is “Raising Chickens for Beginners –

This book will help you with all the details on getting ready for you flock.   

Keep in mind your space will be based on your yard area, which may be smaller than ones described in the book.

Also, you should get baby chicks and raise them. That way they will get to know you and you can train them on eating habits, and your habits too!

It will take baby chicks 4-8 months to grow into laying hens. So plan ahead of time when you start. Just think, soon you won’t have to buy expensive eggs at the store anymore! You will have more eggs in the warmer months than in the colder months. Hens will produce eggs for several years.

Rather than go all the way to the supermarket for your morning eggs which could have who KNOWS what kind of chemicals sprayed all over them, you could just go straight to your backyard!

Shelter for your Chickens

Easy Coops can direct you on how to build your own chicken coop for even the most humble beginners.

Chicken farming is a cool hobby, it helps cure depression, and best of all ends up saving you money over time with how many eggs you can get!

Easy Coops gives you EVERYTHING you’ll need to know, from accurate measurements to most efficient material cost, to step-by-step directions. With one book, you will be a fully capable chicken coop architect.

Even the most bumbling baboon will be able to follow these directions. If you can build a Lego set, you can build one of our chicken coops. And unlike the plastic toys, you’ll get more practical use out of this when you fill it up with beautiful chickens.

Feeling uncertain and want to try your hands with a basic starter setup? No problem! We have small chicken coops which are only 3’ x 4’ for maximum space efficiency and can hold up to 5 chickens. Even this coop offers impressive amenities like a hinged hatch for easy  egg acquisition and a window to ensure your precious pets get their necessary sunlight.

Feeling ambitious and want to jump right in so you can start cranking out a mind-scrambling number of eggs? Our 39’ x 19’ chicken run contains a whopping 56 chickens with a weatherproof rooftop and multiple access points for feeding, cleaning, and egg pickup. Even though it’s a massive marvel to the chicken gods, it’s still easy to build!

So what are you waiting for? Instead of spending all day typing on a computer, put your hands to some real use! Build a chicken coop that will impress your friends and gift them fresh eggs from your chickens that will make them jealous (and hungry)!

Easy Coops is full of simple do-it-yourself plans to allow you to build your own chicken coop quickly, affordable, and with minimal waste.

So what are you waiting for? You can order the digital download and be on your way to a stunning, self-made chicken coop immediately.

You can do it! Start now! Click here to look at Chicken Coop Plans.
