Category Archives: Shelter/housing

Prepare for a Flood The Best Way You Can

Believe it or not, floods are the natural disasters that are most common in America. According to statistics, more than a hundred people are killed by floods every year. Also, more than four billion dollars are the cost damages caused by floods. All this is according to the Red Cross of the United States. The following are few tips and advice you could do in order to prepare yourself for any flood inevitability. Expect the expected It is important that you clearly understand and that you are […]

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Cold Weather Survival

Six hours from the trailhead, 2 hours past his turn-around time and with storms filling in from the valley, Alex Theissen was at the edge of panic. What had started as a unremarkable spring outing in the White Mountains was going south quickly and the prospect of spending the night exposed at the timberline, with plummeting temperatures and not much more than some hard cheese and a foil survival blanket was becoming a distinct reality. The impending sense of panic is familiar to any individual stranded on […]

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