Category Archives: Future Planning

Should Your Build A Backyard Chicken Coop ?

Be Self-Sufficient! Establish Your own Home Grown Egg Producing Backyard Chickens! Are you tired of paying the higher cost of eggs these days? Why not try having back yard chicken coop? If you live in a housing area, you should check with local laws if you are allowed to have chickens. You don’t need a noisy Rooster for eggs, just laying hens. Do your research about raising chickens. You only need a few hens to help your family eat home grown eggs. Chickens are like any family […]

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What Can You Do When Disaster Strikes Somewhere Else

Several of the largest natural disasters have occurred recently. These include the earthquake and tsunami in South East Asia and Hurricane Katrina in the Southern United States. Thousands of disasters occur every year. They all don’t affect thousands of people, but the impact is as dire for each one that has to experience it. Each time a disaster occurs our hearts go out to those affected. However, what can we do when we are many miles away? The following are some of the ways you might contribute […]

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Prepare Yourself for Whatever Comes Your Way

Disaster can strike quickly and without warning. It can force you to evacuate your neighborhood, workplace or school or can confine you to your home. What would you do if basic services-water, gas, electricity or telephones-were cut off? Local officials and first responders will be on the scene after a disaster, but they cannot reach everyone right away. Therefore, the best way to make you and your family safer is to be prepared before disaster strikes. Here are some tips for preparing for natural disasters: Get to […]

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