Category Archives: Food/water

Water Filtration for Safe Drinking Water

Water Filtration for Safe Water Drinking in your home …….   For more information on Water Filters click here.               For more information on water filters click here.       <a target=”_blank” href=”;u=514146&amp;m=31842&amp;urllink=&amp;afftrack=”><img src=”×250-st-05a.gif” border=”0″ alt=”Bottleless Water Coolers” /></a>

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Should Your Build A Backyard Chicken Coop ?

Be Self-Sufficient! Establish Your own Home Grown Egg Producing Backyard Chickens! Are you tired of paying the higher cost of eggs these days? Why not try having back yard chicken coop? If you live in a housing area, you should check with local laws if you are allowed to have chickens. You don’t need a noisy Rooster for eggs, just laying hens. Do your research about raising chickens. You only need a few hens to help your family eat home grown eggs. Chickens are like any family […]

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Prepare for a Flood The Best Way You Can

Believe it or not, floods are the natural disasters that are most common in America. According to statistics, more than a hundred people are killed by floods every year. Also, more than four billion dollars are the cost damages caused by floods. All this is according to the Red Cross of the United States. The following are few tips and advice you could do in order to prepare yourself for any flood inevitability. Expect the expected It is important that you clearly understand and that you are […]

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