Category Archives: At Home

Water Filtration for Safe Drinking Water

Water Filtration for Safe Water Drinking in your home …….   For more information on Water Filters click here.               For more information on water filters click here.       <a target=”_blank” href=”;u=514146&amp;m=31842&amp;urllink=&amp;afftrack=”><img src=”×250-st-05a.gif” border=”0″ alt=”Bottleless Water Coolers” /></a>

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Survival Clothing for Outdoor Emergencies

Maybe you don’t need to learn about survival clothing. Maybe you always hike with a spare jacket. Perhaps you never go out into the wilderness overnight, but just for day hikes. Or you bring lots of warm clothing when you do go backpacking. Nonetheless, hundreds of people die or come close to dying every year from exposure. They thought they were prepared. They didn’t expect their clothes to get wet from falling in a stream, they didn’t think they’d be out there for the night, or they […]

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Cold Weather Survival

Six hours from the trailhead, 2 hours past his turn-around time and with storms filling in from the valley, Alex Theissen was at the edge of panic. What had started as a unremarkable spring outing in the White Mountains was going south quickly and the prospect of spending the night exposed at the timberline, with plummeting temperatures and not much more than some hard cheese and a foil survival blanket was becoming a distinct reality. The impending sense of panic is familiar to any individual stranded on […]

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Putting Together a Home Disaster Survival Kit

If you live in an area prone to seismic activity, it’s vitally important that you have an earthquake kit in your house or in your car so that you’ll have emergency supplies if you need them. Even if you don’t live in an area that is prone to earthquakes, you might want to create a basic disaster survival kit to be used in case of tornados or other types of natural disasters. Ideally, your earthquake kit should contain enough supplies for you and your family to survive […]

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